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Trimmer Springs Grazing Land Lease Bid Information

FID is accepting bids for a 5-year lease on approximately 75 acres of grazing land near 19535 E. Trimmer Springs Road in Sanger, CA. Below are resources to assist applicants with their bid submission, including the public notice, property map, and proposed lease. For more information click here.

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Ag Water Management Plan 2018

In accordance with State and Federal laws, the Fresno Irrigation District’s (FID) Board of Directors adopted the 2018 Agricultural Water Management Plan (AWMP) at its regular board meeting on November 17, 2020.  The plan is required from entities that enter into a repayment contract with the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR).  The plan is required to be updated every five years in conjunction with USBR’s Updated Standard Criteria for Agricultural Water Management Plans. FID’s 2018 AWMP was developed to meet the 2017 Standard Criteria for Agricultural Water Management Plans and includes data up to the end of Water Year 2018-19.

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The Bureau of Reclamation notified FID via letter that the Water Management Plan (Plan) meets the requirements contained in the 2017 Standard Criteria and FID has completed the public review process and posted the plan on the website.  Therefore, Reclamation has deemed the plan adequate.  The next completed Plan will be due by December 31, 2023.

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Ag WMP 2018
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