Bill Stretch, General Manager
2907 S. Maple Ave.
Fresno, CA 93725
(559) 233-7161
March 18, 2020
Fresno Irrigation District (FID) values the health and safety of our staff and our customers. We
believe that by doing our part, we can help slow down the spread of COVID-19. FID is relying
on the Federal Center for Disease Control (CDC), the State of California, and the Fresno County Department of Public Health to be informed and guide our decisions in response to COVID-19.
FID wants to ensure that essential services are continued, such as delivering water to the surface water treatment plants in the cities of Fresno and Clovis and delivering water to our growers, enabling us to continue meeting the needs of all of our customers. While FID remains open for business, we have taken the following measures to help with slowing down the spread of COVID-19:
Social Distancing:
All members of the FID staff are practicing social distancing by deliberately increasing the
physical space between people to avoid spreading illness. Reminders have been posted around the FID office facility.
Office Visits:
While FID will continue all of our critical work during this time, we are closing our office to all
visitors until official guidance recommends otherwise. If you need to contact our office, please
call 559-233-7161. You can also find information on our website at
Arrangements have been made to allow for acceptance of credit card payments over the phone. If you need to make a payment, please contact the office by phone at 559-233-7161.
If you would prefer to provide your information by mail, you can send it to:
Fresno Irrigation District
2907 S. Maple Ave.
Fresno, CA 93725
FID appreciates your cooperation in the effort to slow down the spread of COVID-19.